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McDonald’s [PR]

The press PR activities of McDonald's <The BTS Meal> have been successfully completed!

Hahm Shout Doodle successfully finished the press PR activities for McDonald's Korea <The BTS Meal>.

'The BTS Meal' recorded more than 1.2 million sales in Korea alone in less than a month from its release on May 27 to June 21. It is an incredibly high number for a single extra value meal (EVM), and it is the first time that an EVM consisting of sides has sold over 1 million units in such a short period.

Hahm Shout Doodles successfully conducted communication activities by promoting <The BTS Meal> through the arrangement of photo articles, recruitment of TV broadcasting, distribution of press releases in traditional media, development of feature article materials, and creation of digital media content.

Hahm Shout Doodle

Phone : T. 02-6020-0500 F. 02-6020-0671

Post Tower, 16th Fl. 89 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul Korea

Company Registration Number : 106-86-49566

E-mail :  hsd@hahmshout.com 

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